For my Final project on crowdsourcing, I decided to originally ask people to take pictures of their favorite pairs of shoes, but as availability and focus of the shoes became a bit difficult, I shifted to their hometowns. As an international student myself, I have access to a wide array of friends from across the globe, I decided to capture their hometowns, juxtaposed to a quote from them, and how they feel or think about those places now. I used the coordinates to also give a bit more localized feel, instead of solely the name of their cities back home.
Unfortunately, as I had planned to do this as a printed installation a bit of the effect gets lost when solely looking at a screen. I feel that the shoe version might have a bit more personality but lacked a bit of depth on the side of the message. This layout has a personal touch as it includes a quote about their hometown instead of just why they received their shoes or selected them as their favorite pair. I do feel however that the project would have been better if I had focused on a certain socio-economic issue, that way it would have gained a new dimension for the viewer to think about while observing the work
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